Sales Report

Posted 3 months ago by Shannon Arnett

Shannon Arnett
Un Answered

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I am creating an inquiry to get sales by customer each month.  However, I am unable to find a link from AR to the GL as we have reclassed some AR transactions due to the wrong account being used.  Any suggestions?

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Gabriel Michaud

Gabriel Michaud posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Shannon,

I assume you are following the instructions on one of the YouTube videos I published, which is entered based on ARInvoice/ARRegister/ARTran tables? This is generally how people build such reports, however it doesn't account for reclassifications and there's no "clean" way of linking an individual invoice line to a GL transaction line to get the reclassified account.

I've never done it but I can think of one way to achieve this -- if you just need the amount by GL and Customer, with no line-level information from the invoice (e.g. you're not looking to get the inventory ID or quantities being sold), the report could be based on GLTran, and joined on the invoice header which would allow you to get an accurate amount by customer and GL account.

Let me know if this is what you have in mind and I can assist building a GI.

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