I am struggling with successful syntax to retrieve the budget notes.
Has anyone successfully done this and can share their formula?
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Gabriel Michaud posted
8 months ago
AdminBest Answer
Hi Lisa!
I did a test and was able to retrieve the information from the GLBUDGETITEM table. In my example, I included the following columns: ACCT_NO,ACCTTITLE,PERIODNAME,AMOUNT,NOTE
Given the large amount of rows included in GLBUDGETITEM it's important to apply a filter -- it can be by date, year, or budget ID. In my case I am pulling based on budget ID, SI.QUERYFILTER("Sage","GLBUDGETITEM","BUDGETID",B1) with cell B1 containing the budget ID did the trick. If you want to filter on something else I can help you.
My sample workbook is attached. I have included two samples, one that outputs directly to the cell, and another one that sends the data to a table.
I did a test and was able to retrieve the information from the GLBUDGETITEM table. In my example, I included the following columns: ACCT_NO,ACCTTITLE,PERIODNAME,AMOUNT,NOTE
Given the large amount of rows included in GLBUDGETITEM it's important to apply a filter -- it can be by date, year, or budget ID. In my case I am pulling based on budget ID, SI.QUERYFILTER("Sage","GLBUDGETITEM","BUDGETID",B1) with cell B1 containing the budget ID did the trick. If you want to filter on something else I can help you.
My sample workbook is attached. I have included two samples, one that outputs directly to the cell, and another one that sends the data to a table.
0 Votes
I am struggling with successful syntax to retrieve the budget notes.
Has anyone successfully done this and can share their formula?
0 Votes
Gabriel Michaud posted 8 months ago Admin Best Answer
Hi Lisa!
I did a test and was able to retrieve the information from the GLBUDGETITEM table. In my example, I included the following columns: ACCT_NO,ACCTTITLE,PERIODNAME,AMOUNT,NOTE
Given the large amount of rows included in GLBUDGETITEM it's important to apply a filter -- it can be by date, year, or budget ID. In my case I am pulling based on budget ID, SI.QUERYFILTER("Sage","GLBUDGETITEM","BUDGETID",B1) with cell B1 containing the budget ID did the trick. If you want to filter on something else I can help you.
My sample workbook is attached. I have included two samples, one that outputs directly to the cell, and another one that sends the data to a table.
Attachments (1)
Sample Query....xlsx
62.8 KB
0 Votes
Gabriel Michaud posted 8 months ago Admin Answer
Hi Lisa!
I did a test and was able to retrieve the information from the GLBUDGETITEM table. In my example, I included the following columns: ACCT_NO,ACCTTITLE,PERIODNAME,AMOUNT,NOTE
Given the large amount of rows included in GLBUDGETITEM it's important to apply a filter -- it can be by date, year, or budget ID. In my case I am pulling based on budget ID, SI.QUERYFILTER("Sage","GLBUDGETITEM","BUDGETID",B1) with cell B1 containing the budget ID did the trick. If you want to filter on something else I can help you.
My sample workbook is attached. I have included two samples, one that outputs directly to the cell, and another one that sends the data to a table.
Attachments (1)
Sample Query....xlsx
62.8 KB
0 Votes
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