Single Sign-on support

Posted 6 months ago by Damien Zwillinger

Damien Zwillinger
Damien Zwillinger Admin

1 Votes

Ability to use the same Single sign on as configured in Sage Intacct for extra security/governance and ease of use.

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Damien Zwillinger

Damien Zwillinger posted 6 months ago Admin

I'll do this asap. The documentation is waiting for further UI/UX changes to this feature before completing the article, so it is not published just yet. 

0 Votes


Tom Roberts posted 6 months ago

That is Wonderful,  Can you include a link to documentation on it ? 

0 Votes

Damien Zwillinger

Damien Zwillinger posted 6 months ago Admin

This has been delivered in 2023.12.

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